As a parent, I understand the importance of leading by example. It wasn't until after I had children that I realised my actions' impact on them. As someone who had struggled with their weight and had a history of drug and alcohol use, I knew I needed to be mindful of my behaviours and lead my family by example. 

Why Being an Example with Your Physical Health Matters

Being physically healthy is something I had to work hard at, especially after having children. But it was important to me to model healthy behaviours for them. I started with minor changes, such as taking walks as a family and choosing healthier meal options. Over time, these habits became ingrained, and my family now enjoys regular exercise and a healthy diet. However, the kids piss and moan if our walks last 15 minutes or more. 

Why Being an Example with Your Mental Health Matters

My past struggles with partying made it clear that mental health is just as important as physical health. As a parent, I prioritise caring for my emotional well-being by practising mindfulness, seeking therapy when needed, and engaging in self-care activities. My short walks in nature help me gain clarity and perspective on my life and calm my nervous system. 

Why Being an Example with Your Emotional Health Matters

Emotional health is often overlooked, but it's crucial to model healthy emotional management for your children. As someone with an addictive personality, I know how challenging it can be to regulate emotions. I practice healthy coping mechanisms such as meditation and talking with friends and family.

Leading your family by example with your emotional health means recognising that no one is perfect, including yourself. As someone who has struggled with emotions, I know how important it is to model healthy emotional management for your family.

Acknowledge and Express Emotions.

One key aspect of emotional health is acknowledging and healthily expressing emotions. As a parent, reflecting on and expressing your feelings constructively is essential. Remember, it's okay to feel a wide range of emotions, but it's crucial to express them in a way that doesn't harm yourself or others.

Apologise and Explain the Situation.

Nobody is perfect, and everyone loses their shit from time to time. It's crucial to apologise and explain the situation to your children if you do. Doing this demonstrates healthy communication skills, teaches children the importance of taking responsibility for their actions, and shows that mistakes are okay.

Practice Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a crucial component of emotional health. As a parent, it's essential to model forgiveness and teach your children how to forgive themselves and others. This involves acknowledging mistakes, expressing remorse, and working together to move forward positively. Remember, practising forgiveness can profoundly impact your emotional well-being and your family's.

Additionally, I understand that I am imperfect and strive to review my behaviours and interactions with my family regularly. I also emphasise the importance of self-care practices, such as breathwork therapy, vision quests, and reading books, to improve my emotional well-being and model healthy behaviours for my family.

Leading Your Family by Example with Your Physical Health

As a parent, you must model healthy behaviours for your children. I prioritise exercise and movement in my daily routine by taking walks, doing strength training, and going on hikes. I also ensure my family eats a healthy diet by involving them in meal planning and preparation and modelling mindful eating habits. And I prioritise sleep by establishing a consistent bedtime routine and creating a comfortable sleep environment. This goes out the window the nights we end up with 4 of us in the bed. 

I also see the value in my children seeing me exercise and do hard things. Nothing brings me more joy than having one of them ask to join me in a workout. 

Leading Your Family by Example with Your Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and I make it a priority to model healthy coping mechanisms for my family. I practice self-care by engaging in activities that bring me joy and relaxation, such as reading and bush walks. And I seek help when needed by talking with friends, family, my men's group or seeking therapy.


Leading your family by example is a powerful way to influence their physical, mental, and emotional health positively. My journey has taught me that small changes can significantly impact me, and it's never too late to start leading by example. Committing to healthy behaviours, self-care, and seeking help when needed can create a positive environment for your family to thrive.

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