Build Your Own Workout in 30 Seconds


If you're like me, and still eagerly awaiting the re-opening of gyms you're probably performing your workouts at home or out in a park. That doesn't mean your workouts need to be boring. If you're looking to build your workout in a few seconds here is a simple formula to follow to ensure you're HIITing (see what I did there?) all your major muscle groups and aiming to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Step one is to pick your lower body exercise. You could choose a squat or a lunge variation: forwards lunges, reverse lunges or sideways lunges. There are hundreds of options for your lower body.

Step two is to pick an upper-body pull exercise. For this, you could do a chin-up or horizontal pull if you have access to a bar. A banded row or you could even use a towel wrapped around a post and do some waited rows instead of using a TRX.

Step three is picking up a body push exercise. You could choose a push-up or a banded push press. You could use two cans of something or bottles from the kitchen and pushover head or do a lying floor press. Opt for anything that loads your push exercise either vertically or horizontally.

Step three pick a core exercise, these could be a plank, side plank, a bird dog, a plank to toe touch, or if you're feeling adventurous a plank to push up. Once again, there are thousands of options here.

To finish, you will pick in a full-body metabolic exercise. You could choose squat jacks, star jumps, high knees running on the spot, thrusters with dumbbells or your cans from the kitchen, just something that involves all muscles in your body. If you're feeling like running through doors, opt for burpees :)

To put this workout together, we are going to use a timer with 30 Seconds of effort followed by 30 seconds of rest. Do this for each of your five exercises. Follow this with 1 to 2 minutes rest between rounds. Perform this for as long as you feel is necessary. At first, it might be one round then working your way up to 4 rounds.

Only pick exercises you can perform with perfect form and that are right for YOU!

Give it a try and let me know how you go in the comment section below.