9 Brain Boosting Foods

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One of the many things I found useful in Kim Kwik's "Limitless" book was his list of brain foods. Like the rest of your body, you cannot expect your brain to perform well if it is not fed the right fuel.

Eating these brain foods that contain lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will nourish your brain and protect it from oxidative stress.

Here is Jim's top brain foods list from Limitless.

Avocados. They provide monounsaturated fat, which helps maintain healthy blood flow.

Blueberries. They protect your brain from oxidative stress and reduce the effects of brain ageing. They have also been studies that show they can help with memory.

Broccoli. A great source of vitamin K, which is known to improve cognitive function and memory.

Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate helps your focus on your concentration and stimulates endorphins. Chocolate also has flavonoids which have shown to improve confidence function. The darker here, the better as the dark is chocolate has the least sugar. (I opt for Lindt 90%).

Eggs. They provide memory-improving and Brain boosting choline.

Green leafy vegetables. These are good sources of vitamin D which reduce the effects of brain ageing and folate, which has shown to improve memory.

Salmon. As well as sardines are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids which help reduce the effects of brain ageing.

Turmeric. It helps reduce inflammation and boost antioxidant levels while also improving your brains oxygen intake. There is also some indication that Tumeric helps reduce cognitive decay.

Walnuts. These nuts provide high levels of antioxidants and vitamin D that protect your neurons and protect against brain ageing. They also contain high levels of zinc and magnesium, which are good for your mood.

If you haven't read Jims 'Limitless' book I suggest you do, it has been the best and most useful book I have read in some time.

Which of these brain foods do you eat?

Ben MorrisComment