Why The Fit Dad Project?

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For the best part of my adult life, I was on the complete opposite end of the health spectrum from 'fit', 'healthy' and 'well'. I made poor choices when it came to my health, diet and fitness, neglected my body and was left feeling physically and mentally worn.

My life changed back in 2013 when a good friend of mine set me on a new path of wellness. I drastically changed my diet; I started exercising and developed a strong focus when it came to health and fitness. As a result, I not only lost 15kg, dropped my body fat percentage by 16%, but also completely transformed my mental attitude and put my health and wellbeing as priority #1.

The personal shift and the way it has completely changed my life has left me inspired to help millions of people like me. The blokes that enjoy a drink a little too much eat more than their fair share of indulgent food might party a little too often and can be found hibernating on the couch with a remote in-hand instead of out in the fresh air.

Having become a personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Certified food coach, and helped numerous clients to achieve their goals and they did; beyond their wildest dreams. It was after having my son Jaxon (now five years old) that I tried my hand at fitness classes for new mums. As rewarding as it was, I realised there was a problem. We were leaving out a vital part of the family unit… Dads!

If you're reading this, and you're a dad, you will know how it is: That new little person comes along and takes priority over everything else—nothing else in the world matters. You're tired. You find yourself eating take away most nights, so you don't waste time cooking that will eat into your "play" time. You exercise less (if at all), and suddenly you have put on a few or fare few kilos. You've lost your muscle tone and now have the definition of a 'Dad Bod'.

Since the arrival of my girl Summer (now two years old), I have been on a mission to prove to other dads that it doesn't have to be that way.

The Fit Dad Project, my latest wellness project, aims to educate and help dads, families and just people in general, be at their optimum health. You can do it without fad diets, meal replacement shakes and the other bullshit you see on TV and the interwebs. Setting a good example for your family, prioritising your health and inspiring others to do the same doesn't have to be complicated or a gut-wrenching life choice.

To make your transformation, you don't have to give up everything you love and eat chicken and broccoli (beef and spinach is a much better option anyway). Small manageable tweaks to your nutrition and movement habits each week is all it takes to turn your Dad Bod into a Rad Bod, become a Fit Dad and make a change that is sustainable for life, not just a few months.

Being a fit dad doesn't need to be complicated.