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My four-week experiment with micro-workouts has finally come to an end. I've done many pull-ups and many push-ups in the last 28 days. My elbows are incredibly sore, but I was kind of expecting that. Overall I am pretty happy with the results.

I don't feel like I gained much strength on my pull-ups, but that could be due to the volume. I was only doing pull-ups twice a week before starting my little experiment. My late night's DJing might not have helped that progress either. I did feel like I've gained a lot of strength with my push-ups, and my number is significantly increased.

You can see from the pics in the stats below that my chest and arms increased in size. Unfortunately, due to my back flaring up and ditching the leg exercise, my quads shrunk over the 28 days.

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On the 28th of February, I decided to have another crack at my hundred pull-ups in 20 minutes. By doing 5 pull-ups on the minute every minute for 20 minutes. I fell short once again, but I did do a hundred reps in 22 minutes. 22 tries and 100 reps was a decent improvement on the week before. You can see the video below of my final six reps. They were a struggle, but I got there!

I will happily continue to do micro workouts each week, maybe with a little bit less volume moving forward. The increase in muscle mass was enough to convince me that they are effective. I really do not have any excuses about not having time to work out, as my total workout time each day was less than 15 minutes.

Micro-workouts might be useful for you as an alternative to blocking aside a certain amount of hours for workouts each week. You also have to consider what your current goals are before deciding if they are right for you? I know with my business work and parent schedule, I am always strapped for time. I have to admit I am looking forward to going back to doing a few dedicated workouts from this week onwards.

In conclusion, micro workouts are an excellent minimum effective dose for anyone who is time-poor and wants to maintain their strength and maybe even add a little muscle. Give it a go and let me know how are you go?

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