Micro Workouts Week 3.png

Well, it's Monday the 22nd of fab 2021, and I am re-capping on my third week of micro workouts. Due to my back/hip pain getting worse, I've had to ditch my lunges. I suspect I have an SI joint issue or a trapped nerve somewhere that is related to my disc herniations. Fun times I know, but I'm not going to let it derail me from finishing this month. I will just do the upper body component of my micro workouts.

Last week and the week, I missed my reps on both Sundays. Although it's not an excuse, I had late-night gigs on Saturday nights, and both the kids were in our bed and woke us up from 5:30 each Sunday morning. Trying to do pull-ups on four hours of sleep didn't work at all that well for me.

I pre-empted this on Saturday and decided to do something inspired by David David Goggins's 'Can't hurt me' book. I had the goal of doing 100 push-ups in 20 minutes. I would do five pull-ups on the minute every minute for 20 minutes. I feel a little bit short and only got 94 reps. I'll get it this Saturday, though.

My average is about 12 reps on each of my pull-ups sets and 25 with a strict dowel rod for push-ups.

Week 3 Micro Comparison.png

My body composition must be working as I have had two people comment on me looking a little bigger. Although my chest and shoulders numbers did go down this week, compared to last. As you can see from the pics, I seem to have lost a little bit of fat. (Score!) My arm size is the biggest shock as you can see below. Considering I have done no direct arm training.

Getting the reps in each day still has not felt like a burden, and my total workout time would be less than 20 minutes per day. I am becoming a firm believer in micro workouts. However, not a long-term solution for your health; they are a great way to get your exercise in and find your minimum effective dose for size and strength.

It turns out that not having enough time is not an excuse. We all have the same amount of time. We just choose to spend our time on things that are more important to us.

I'm keen to see where I end up after this next seven days of micro workouts.

Ben MorrisComment