6 Tips To Survive Your night Out

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We live in a culture where drinking is the norm. If you drink, you're ruining your health. If you don't drink, you're boring, and nobody wants to hang out with you. 

I have been on both sides of the fence, and I believe it or not I get more slack from people now that I don't drink that often compared to the days when I was a hefty drinker. I still enjoy the odd glass of red (or bottle) from time to time, but I also work hard to limit alcohol's effects on my health. 

When it comes to living life, and if you enjoy the occasional drink, cutting alcohol out of your diet ultimately may not work for you. Things always pop up, and there are office drinks you have to go to, work conferences where drinking is expected, not to mention weddings, birthdays and the rest. While you don't want to be the boring one with a bottle of water, you also don't want to undo all of that hard work and discipline you have put into your health. 

Here are my six tips (tried and tested) to go into damage limitation mode when you're having a night out.


  1. Don't drink on an empty stomach. This one is pretty obvious, but we've all been guilty of skipping lunch and then having work drinks only to feel smashed after two glasses of wine? Alcohol filters through the stomach walls very quickly and the less food in there, the faster it will enter your bloodstream. The more rapid alcohol is absorbed into your body, the more significant impact alcohol can have on your liver, digestive system, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. Not to mention the quicker effects on you socially. Eat up and have a decent meal before you hit the cans and your body (and dignity) will thank you later!

  2. Load up on Fat. While we know eating is essential before a boozy night, the kind of food you eat can make a difference as well. Load up on good fat before you head out by eating a meal with foods like avocado and salmon. The levels of fat in these foods can help slow down the rate at which food leaves the stomach. For the adventurous/die-hards among us, there's nothing wrong with a good swig of olive oil with your pre-match meal either.

  3. Prioritise Potassium. When you're out having more than a few beverages, Potassium is one of the first things to go from your body! Potassium helps to maintain hormone balances and regulate your kidney's filtering processes. Once again, our good friend avocado comes in handy when boosting your potassium intake as they are rich in Potassium (975 mg in one avocado).


  1. Stay hydrated. Seems easy right? Staying hydrated when out for a night on the booze is a challenge. A common rule of thumb is alternating each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water to ensure you keep your hydration levels up. If your mates are giving you a hard time for turning down a drink, sneak off to the bar and order a soda water with lime in a short glass. It will look like you are drinking vodka with the best of them and no one will bat an eyelid. This will make sure you stay hydrated as well as coherent.

  2. Be mindful of what you drink. Not all drinks are created equal, and not all drinks are as bad for you as the next. The number one culprit for dehydration, health and hangovers is anything with sugar-based mixers. Bourbon and coke not only has 255 calories but also a load of sugar. If you can, try to avoid drinking beer with its high carbohydrate content and 155 calories per glass. Better options for your night out are vodka lime soda with a cool 64 calories and no carbs. In comparison, a good drop of red wine has 120 calories and is rumoured to be "good" for you in moderation (So I keep telling myself!).


  1. Drink Coconut Water before bed. It's not just about hydration, it's also about Potassium - coconut water is a secret weapon for both of these challenges when you've had a big night out. Drinking a cup of unsweetened coconut water just before bed will help with your potassium levels. Coconut water is also packed with heaps of natural electrolytes. It is better for you than drinking a high-calorie sugary sports drink.

Of course, all of these points are irrelevant if you drink too much. No potassium amount can help save you from your dehydration and embarrassment of singing Bon Jovi at a karaoke bar at 3 am. So please, drink responsibly! 

Did you find any of these tips useful? Let us know in the comments below. 

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