Breaking Free from the Victim Archetype.

I was trapped in the victim archetype for most of my early adulthood. I often resorted to alcohol and recreational drugs while DJing in nightclubs, using them as a crutch to escape responsibility and avoid facing the consequences of my actions. But as I embarked on self-discovery and personal growth, I realised the immense power of owning every aspect of my life. In this post, I want to share my insights and experiences with you, highlighting the importance of embracing empowerment and leaving the victim mentality behind. 

Recognising the Victim Archetype. 

The victim archetype is a mindset of powerlessness and a tendency to blame external circumstances for unhappiness or failure. It often manifests as a lack of personal accountability and a constant seeking for sympathy and validation from others. 

During self-reflection, I stumbled upon Paul Chek's enlightening discussion on the victim archetype in his Living 4D podcast. It hit me like lightning, making me realise I had lived in that mindset for too long. Blaming external factors for my internal state had become a pattern. It was a wake-up call to recognise the presence of this victim mentality within myself and its negative impact on my well-being. From that moment on, I was determined to break free from the victim archetype and take ownership of my life.

Taking Responsibility for Your Choices. 

One of the critical steps in owning every aspect of your life is taking full responsibility for your choices and actions. It was a transformative moment when I realised that I had the power to shape my destiny and that I was not at the mercy of external forces. This realisation was reinforced by the profound insights I gained from reading Steve Bidulph's "New Manhood" and Jocko Willink's "Extreme Ownership." These impactful books taught me the importance of accountability and ownership of my decisions. With newfound determination, I started accepting responsibility for my choices and the consequences that followed. By doing so, I reclaimed my agency and became the author of my own story.

Embracing Personal Growth and Self-Reflection 

Owning your life requires a commitment to personal growth and self-reflection. It involves continuously examining your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours and making necessary changes to align them with your values and goals. Zoran from Breath Works helped expedite my journey of self-reflection and growth through the transformative breathwork therapy sessions. Through this powerful practice, I could delve deep into my inner world, release emotional blockages, and gain clarity about my true self. Additionally, participating in a fortnightly men's group provided a valuable space for honest conversations, constructive feedback, and self-reflection. It forced me to confront uncomfortable truths, accept feedback, and take responsibility for my actions. Engaging in these practices, whether through therapy, meditation, or group work, has been instrumental in my self-discovery, enabling me to develop a deeper understanding of myself and make positive changes in my life.

Cultivating Resilience and Adaptability 

Life is a journey filled with challenges and setbacks, and I have faced my fair share of adversity. Especially in my twenties (but more on that later). Through personal experiences and the wisdom gained from books like David Goggins' "Can't Hurt Me," I have learned the importance of resilience and adaptability. Goggins' inspiring story of overcoming extreme challenges taught me that showing up in adversity is a powerful way to cultivate resilience. By viewing challenges as growth opportunities, developing coping mechanisms, and practising self-care, we can strengthen our ability to bounce back from setbacks and navigate life's difficulties with a positive mindset. 

Building a Supportive Network 

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of individuals who uplift and empower you is crucial in owning every aspect of your life. I am incredibly fortunate to have had the lifelong support of my Mum, who played a vital role in helping me find the strength I needed during my twenties. Additionally, I am blessed to have a fantastic group of friends who are unafraid to call me out on my bullshit while providing unwavering support. Together, we create a community that fosters personal growth, encourages self-reflection, and empowers one another to break free from the chains of victimhood. When you surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your values and goals, you create a powerful support system that propels you towards owning your life and embracing empowerment.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset 

In this stage of my life, I have developed a deep appreciation for feedback and the value of engaging in healthy discussions with others with different perspectives. It's a stark contrast to the past when I found myself surrounded by individuals who either served as mere "yes men" in nightclubs or were trapped in the victim mentality, trying to drag me to their level. Embracing a growth mindset has been instrumental in owning every aspect of my life. It means wholeheartedly believing I can learn, grow, and improve in every area through dedicated effort and unwavering perseverance. Instead of shying away from challenges, I now see them as opportunities for personal growth. I approach them with curiosity, eager to learn from my experiences and expand my understanding. By cultivating a growth mindset, I have unlocked a world of limitless possibilities and embraced a lifelong journey of continuous self-improvement. 

Hell, I'm far from getting on top of this. I still fall into the "poor me" mentality. Realising that I am falling back into it helps me see it for what it is. Embrace Empowerment and Thrive Breaking free from the victim archetype and owning every aspect of your life is a transformative journey. It requires self-awareness, personal responsibility, and a commitment to growth. By embracing empowerment, taking ownership of your choices, and cultivating resilience and adaptability, you can create a life that is your true potential. So, step out of the victim mentality and embrace the power within you to thrive and create the life you desire.

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